When I was a kid and made a mistake while doing my homework, I would take my steadler eraser (the only one I liked) and erased what I had written... to the point that sometimes my mother had to tell me stop lest I tear the page..
I hated the little impressions the pencil left when the mistake was made.. I always wished there was an eraser that would completely wipe off the hint of my errors... wishful thinking of a child but I wanted my pages to look perfect..
I couldn't help but think the other day.. that the mistakes we make in our lives.. also leave impressions and hints of their manifestion on our memories.. its like our memories are the pages that we write on.. our actions being the writing itself..
Sometimes we make mistakes and hurt people.. sometimes we regret making those mistakes.. and those memories come back.. every so often to remind you to maybe not make that mistake again... or to remind you that the mistake was made.. and there is nothing that can be done to change that.. other than..
Other than to alter the course of the future..
So I guess once in a while its good to see those impressions to remind ourselves that one day our future will be our past and our actions will have a ripple in the pond effect.. and that no matter how hard one tries.. the past will always be present in the future..
'the past will always be present in the future.. ' -- this line has the pun !:)
Sahiba, at 3:30 AM
very well written rids!! surely agree with you.
Anonymous, at 9:34 AM
The thing about making mistakes - is that friends are always around to catch you before you fall.
I wish you the very very Best Rids !
I think we are going to see some pretty intesne blogging with both of us going through changing times :)
Stay in Touch babe - I cant wait to meet you !
Kau, at 4:45 AM
whwere are you rids!!!
Dont disappear on me babes !
Come on ..we are supposed to be channelling all the moving pains into some kick ass blogs ! ..pls write soon yaaar !
Kau, at 11:18 AM
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