The song that inspired the last post..
This song is by Paul Simon of Simon and Garfunkle.. I was twelve years old when I heard it and I have loved it since.. It makes me realize that everything around me a in a constant reminder of time and the treadmill that it really is.. It also makes me feel that even though everything is changing.. somewhere there is a consistency in this change..
This thought makes me feel positive on low days.. when I look out the window thinking.. its only a matter of time before it gets better…
I was twenty-one years when I wrote this song
I'm twenty-three now, but I won't be for long
Time hurries on
And the leaves that are green turn to brown
And they wither with the wind
And they crumble in your hand
And the leaves that are green turn to brown..
I admit that these are not the most particularly uplifting words.. but its all about perspective right.. Leaves fall and wither but new ones take their place and the cycle starts again..
And while we’re at it we might as well observe how beautiful the leaves look when they change color.. Its like someone took a bucket of paint and splashed it everywhere!
So yes as someone said..
And they wither with the wind
And they crumble in your hand
And the leaves that are green turn to brown..
And my addition to that would be..
But there is no real reason to frown
Cause its only a matter of time
The sun will once again shine
And before we know it.. Spring will be here again!
Just a happy thought on a gloomy monday morning!
This song is by Paul Simon of Simon and Garfunkle.. I was twelve years old when I heard it and I have loved it since.. It makes me realize that everything around me a in a constant reminder of time and the treadmill that it really is.. It also makes me feel that even though everything is changing.. somewhere there is a consistency in this change..
This thought makes me feel positive on low days.. when I look out the window thinking.. its only a matter of time before it gets better…
I was twenty-one years when I wrote this song
I'm twenty-three now, but I won't be for long
Time hurries on
And the leaves that are green turn to brown
And they wither with the wind
And they crumble in your hand
And the leaves that are green turn to brown..
I admit that these are not the most particularly uplifting words.. but its all about perspective right.. Leaves fall and wither but new ones take their place and the cycle starts again..
And while we’re at it we might as well observe how beautiful the leaves look when they change color.. Its like someone took a bucket of paint and splashed it everywhere!
So yes as someone said..
And they wither with the wind
And they crumble in your hand
And the leaves that are green turn to brown..
And my addition to that would be..
But there is no real reason to frown
Cause its only a matter of time
The sun will once again shine
And before we know it.. Spring will be here again!
Just a happy thought on a gloomy monday morning!
Rids -
This is my prayer for me and my best friend :)
Its from stuff I've read over the years all put together for us
"Leaves fall and new ones grown in their place
Beneath every changing surface - lies an unchanging pattern.
In all the changing circumstances of our lives - I am strengthed by you.
The winds blow ..dunes may shift ..but the desert it remains the same ..and so may our friendship be "
Kau, at 11:42 AM
Beneath every changing surface there in an unchanging pattern.. so true..
Ridhima, at 10:04 AM
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